Supercharge Your Coffee - Ways to Enhance a Daily Ritual
Once you start enhancing your coffee... you'll never want a regular ol' cup again.
I'm a daily coffee drinker. I love it. Having my trusty steel mug filled with warm deep golden brown liquid is one of the best parts of my day... every day. I wouldn't miss that opportunity to savor goodness and enjoy something so simple yet so complex tasting.
Milwaukee is filled with excellent coffee roasters and I've always had access to local brews that are top notch. But, it wasn't until I started enhancing my coffee and supercharging it with nutrient dense supplements that I really fell head over heels for my morning cup. There are a few key differences between a regular cup of coffee (no matter how good the quality is and how it's brewed) vs. a cup that is souped up. Supercharging your coffee also has the added benefit of making it easier to digest. I didn't even notice that coffee actually gave me stomach waves and heartburn... until I found a way where it didn't. Below is a step by step on how to take your coffee to the next level of health, taste, texture, and enjoyability. Try out these ideas to enhance your next cup of coffee.
A recent haul from Bones Coffee.
Peanut Butter & Jelly in the french press.
It all starts with the beans. Where your coffee comes from, how it's grown, how it's sources, how it's roasted, and packaged all matter. These will affect the health benefits, the flavor, the digestibility, and the overall experience. Here are a few of the beans that I love to use...
A great resource or place to start is your local coffee roasters. When choosing coffee from a local roaster, look for a few things... The first is coffee from "single estate origin". These coffee beans will all be grown on the same estate and keep the flavor most pure. It also adds to the sustainability of the product. Another type of bean to look for is coffee featuring "Peaberry" beans. These beans are very special and add a sweeter/smoother flavor. Any roaster that is incorporating these beans will have a premium palate and know what to look for in a finer coffee. Another thing to try is special roasts that are from the roasters limited selection. These are usually more ambitious and creative expressions of coffee that focus on very distinct flavor profiles. Why have the standard when you can try something unique.
Another fun way to keep the beans flowing in your house is to support a brand and what they're about. Many people and companies will start a coffee line to help support their non-coffee efforts. There are many fitness and nutrition companies/groups that put out coffee lines in order to help them fund educational content. Of course this is a help to their overall brand and business, but supporting it means that you are contributing to the content you love and consume.
A few of the brands that I like to show support for are Kimera Koffee which helps sponsor Mind Pump (a fitness podcast) and many other fitness professionals that are contributing to putting out free content. Another brand to try is Caveman Coffee which boasts single estate beans and helps to aid a group of fitness professionals in spreading the message of growing the body and mind. A third to try is Bulletproof Coffee from Dave Aspry who puts out an incredibly informative podcast, Bulletproof Radio.
I used to not be a fan of flavored coffee. In some ways, I'm still a purest and don't think that coffee should be flavored. But... when you eat really healthy and also consume a pretty consistent group of foods, a little variety is a nice addition. I found the company Bones Coffee scrolling through Instagram. As a designer, I fell in love with their brand atheistic and packaging. But, what really drew me in was the creativity of their flavors. I decided to place an order and try out a bunch of kinds. Bones Coffee makes flavors like... Peanut Butter & Jelly, French Toast, Carrot Cake, Salted Caramel, and so much more. It's fun to try these new flavors and widen the experience of coffee's taste. If you feel like you're in a coffee flavor rut, try them out! What I really love is that they offer affordable multi flavor sets where you can choose all the varieties you want and get small bags of each. This minimizes the commitment that comes with a large bag. Plus, they offer whole bean flavored coffee which isn't as common as ground.
Salted Caramel from Bones Coffee.
I'll make this short and simple... if you're not using a pour over or french press to make your coffee, you're missing out. Drip machines make coffee thin and the lack of body in the cup is very lackluster. Ditch the coffee pot and make your cup fresh each time. I use a french press along with a quick boil water heater to make my coffee quickly and easily. I also grind my beans fresh each time. The whole process takes about 7-10 minutes and it is a relaxing ritual each morning.
To make coffee for one, start by grinding 2 tablespoons of coffee (see above for bean ideas). Place the coffee in a french press. Heat 2 cups of water in a water boiler or in a small pot on the stove. Once at a rolling boil, pour over the coffee in the french press. Place the top on the french press until it is just over the coffee/water. Let sit 5-6 minutes. Once time is up, press down slowly. This will make you 2 cups of beautiful, rich, and velvety coffee.
Adding powered herbs, mushrooms, and fats make the cup have much more body and delicious velvety texture. Just whisk briskly to combine everything.
Here comes the fun part and the part that I can no longer live with out... superfood add ins. The following additions can be added in to your coffee to improve digestion, provide nutritional and mental benefits, add in more body, and even provide a richer taste. To mix these in, simply add the recommended amount to the bottom of a tall mug. Pour the coffee over to fill about halfway and then mix briskly with a whisk, fork, or knife. Stir until smooth and frothy.
This incredibly bitter herb/root. It is strong stuff. Since the flavor is unpleasant, it is often taken in capsules or mixed into a smoothie. But, I actually find that I love the way it tastes in coffee. It blends well with the already bitter coffee beans to actually add a richer taste to the coffee. I do not recommend mixing it into black tea though, for some reason the flavor doesn't work in combination. Benefits of Ashwagandha include...
- Lowering of blood sugar levels
- Reduces the stress hormone Cortisol
- Helps the body and mind adapt to stressors
- Reduces anxiety and depression
- Testosterone booster
- Increases muscle gain in those who strength train
- Helps speed athletic recovery
- Increases memory function
Another really nice benefit... it's affordable. I buy it in a big bag and use 1/2 tsp once or twice a day. I purchase my Ashwagandha off Amazon from a seller called Terrasoul. This company offers a nice range of superfood products and I have found their quality to be consistent.
Lion's Mane is one crazy looking mushroom. It hangs in yellowy white pieces, growing longer and longer. This mushroom comes powdered and I find it really food tasting. It has a similar taste to cinnamon. I use it with the addition of cinnamon and all spice in coffee to add in a pumpkin spice type flavor. Benefits of Leion's Mane include...
- Nootropic effects that improve cognition
- Aids in digestion
- Heals and protects the nervous system
- Natural antidepressant
- Immune system enhancer
- Lowers colesterol
I buy it in a big bag and use 1 tsp once a day. I purchase my Lion's Mane off Amazon from a seller called Terrasoul. This company offers a nice range of superfood products and I have found their quality to be consistent. I have also purchased Lion's Mane from a company called Four Sigmatic. The price is a little higher but the quality is top notch.
Chaga is easy to take because it has hardly any flavor and mixes in well with many beverages. I have used it in coffee, tea, smoothies, and kombucha. Chaga is a great daily add in to benefit your immune system and provide antioxidants to battle daily environmental stressors. Benefits of Chaga include...
- Strong anti-oxidant properties
- Protects the immune system
- Reduces inflammation
- Decreases blood glucose levels
- Increases endurance and athletic recovery
- Helps to prevent blood clots
- Can help fight harmful bacteria
I buy it in a big bag and use 1/2 tsp once to twice a day. I purchase my Chaga off Amazon from a seller called Primal Herb. This company offers a nice range of superfood products and I have found their quality to be consistent. I have also purchased Chaga from a company called Four Sigmatic. The price is a little higher but the quality is top notch.
Cordyceps is a popular mushroom supplements because it boosts energy which is a common thing to seek more of. The increased energy is it's most known benefit, but I take it more because of the heart health benefits. Benefits of Chaga include...
- Improves cardiovascular health
- Reduces inflammation
- Lowers cholesterol levels
- Improves lung health and oxygen intake
- Immune system booster and illness preventer
- Detoxifier
I buy it in a big bag and use 1/2 tsp once to twice a day. I purchase my Cordyceps off Amazon from a seller called Primal Herb. This company offers a nice range of superfood products and I have found their quality to be consistent. I have also purchased Cordyceps from a company called Four Sigmatic. The price is a little higher but the quality is top notch.
*Double check with a doctor before using Cordyceps if you are on blood thinners or diabetic.
Reishi is a great mushroom to take daily. I lean towards taking it at night in a decaf dark cup of tea with soy milk. I take it at night because it has been shown to have powerful effects on sleep and lucid dreaming. You can take it in the morning though. The combat the chill out effects, add in cordyceps to balance things out. Benefits of Reishi include...
- Reduces blood pressure
- Reduces inflammation
- Powerful detoxifier
- Strong antioxidant properties
- Nootropic cognitive booster
- Long term energy benefits
I buy it in a big bag and use 1 tsp once a day. I purchase my Reishi off Amazon from a seller called Terrasoul. This company offers a nice range of superfood products and I have found their quality to be consistent. I have also purchased Reishi from a company called Four Sigmatic. The price is a little higher but the quality is top notch.
I really don't like to drink coffee without some fat it in. It's just not as good! If you're out and about and need coffee, at least get some full fat creamer because it will add to the body. If you're plant based or vegan, MCT Oil is the way to go. I use it because of the great taste, thickening quality to the coffee, and the health benefits. It is also an amazing tool when doing intermittent fasting to suppress hunger. Benefits of MCT Oil include...
- Reduce stored body fat
- Feel full and satiated
- Quick energy source (great pre workout)
- Better cognition
- Hormone balancer
- Mood improver and stabilizer
I buy "Emulsified MCT Oil" which is thicker and acts as a natural creamer. It comes in flavors like Vanilla, Coconut, and Strawberry. I purchase my Emulsified MCT Oil off Amazon from a seller called Onnit. This company has the best tasting MCT Oil in my opinion. I have also purchased Emulsified MCT Oil from a company called Sports Research. It's cheaper but the flavor isn't as potent and I love adding a hit of flavor into my already flavorful coffee.
For a super frothy cup, mix in double the amount of MCT Oil and blend at high speed.
I hope you try out some of the ideas above. Making my coffee this way has changed the way I think about this daily beverage and I now treat it more as a tonic. I finish off my cup with a little soymilk to make everything extra creamy and velvety. Most of the superfoods above are adaptogens and work best when taken on a regular basis. Try them out and see how you feel after 2-4 weeks of consistent use.
For more product finds and superfood ideas please follow me on Instagram and Facebook. Also, check out the Nourish posts from the blog for more recipes and nutrition tips.
Thanks for stopping by! I am not a nutritionist but I am a nutrition junkie. I love looking for new recipes that help me achieve optimum health and wellness. I hope you enjoy these and if you have something to add or share, feel free to leave a comment.