1.5 Years on Testosterone - FTM Transition Update

T Date: 2/20/2017   Top Surgery Date: 12/5/2017

This video recaps the last 6 months of my transition (from February 2018 to August 2018). I go over physical changes, medical updates, life updates, and a general catch up on what I've been up to!

For skincare, I mention "DIM". DIM is a supplement that helps with Estrogen based acne. I have noticed an improvement in my skin taking it once daily. Try it out if you struggle with acne along the jawline.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to share my journey. Thank you for watching and all the support!

Be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, like, and share this video. These videos are a part of my blog, River Runs Wild. This series, Endowed, documents my gender transition and experiences.

Please note that this is meant to share my experience, none of the content is meant to be taken as hard medical facts or advice. Please consult with a doctor regarding any hormone replacement therapy questions.

For more updates, follow River Runs Wild on Instagram and Facebook. Subscribe to the River Runs Wild Youtube channel.

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