Posts tagged positivity
Warning Signs That You May Need a New Therapist

This video is all about the warning signs of when you may need a new therapist or a break from therapy. This topic is very important to me. I never really saw a list of these warning signs and didn't know going into therapy how to spot a professional working relationship that is losing it's benefits. I hope this video can help others in their future therapy efforts!

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8 Months on Testosterone - FTM Transition Update Journal

It's honestly a little surreal to be at 8 months on testosterone. Sometimes I still feel like I'm back at the beginning and filled with the unsteady feeling of embarking on something big. Over these past 8 months I have grown considerably. Yes, physically I've grown but as a person I have changed.

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Training Plans - Arm Workout

Ah, the ol' Bi's and Tri's. Working arms has always been one of my favorite workouts but for different reasons than something like Chest Day. Working arms feels good and it's often an easier workout than many others. The biceps can take a lot. It takes quite a while for me to fully exhaust my biceps and triceps, so I feel strong throughout the entire workout. With an area like arms, I focus on two key things during the workout...

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6 Weeks on Testosterone

On Monday, April 3rd, 2017, I will inject my 7th shot of testosterone which puts me at 6 weeks on hormone replacement therapy. Lately, I have been through some significant stress in my work life and personal life. Managing my stress has been a big priority over the past 2 weeks. In this pressure cooker of stress, I noticed some interesting things happen with my self confidence and my gender dysphoria. Being stressed caused me to feel weak and not as energetic, this dampened my spirits and created a chain reaction that went straight for my self confidence. 

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One Month on Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks my one month on hormone replacement therapy. The video first goes over the mental changes that I have experienced during this first month. I also go over the physical changes that I have been experiencing along with some issues that I have had lately with needles and distribution of my hormones. 

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